Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dwarfs (not to be confused with Dwarves)

Holla amigos, as promised I am posting about my newest Warhammer Fantasy army, the mighty Dwarfs! The main reasons I decided to start a second army are many and varied but basically boil down to two things; variety and competive ability. While I do love my Vampire Counts army it is hard not to see the blatent nerfing they took in the 8th edition. I understand the reasons GW needed to take them down a peg but honestly, I was never a power gamer and when GW took away the only things that really made them viable (fear / terror, reliable magic phases, etc) it really just stopped being fun. Combine this with the fact that the Vampire Counts army basically relies on super point sinking characters and I had had enough. I decided to start a dwarf army mainly because it was the first army I remember thinking was cool (way back in 1995) and they are the polar opposite of a Vampire Counts army. I am posting my initial 2000 point army list with a very brief reason behind taking the unit so that any dwarf players who happen to catch this blog whilst googling "sex games with kimchi" can critique it. So without further adeu, my first 2k Dwarf list.

Dward Lord on Shield Bearers(+2 Armour save and +2 str. 4 attacks) w / great weapon (gives str.6) Rune of Stone (+1 Arm. Save) Rune of Resistance (reroll arm. Saves) Rune of Preservation (Immune to Killing Blow and Poison) Master Rune of Spite (4 + Ward Save)

So here we have a Lord with a considerable WS of 7, 4 attacks with Strength 6 and Toughness 5. He strikes last due to the great weapon but is very surviveable with 3 wounds and his 1 + armour save with rerolls, immunity to killing blow and poison attacks and 4 + ward save.

Thane BSB, Master Rune of Gromril (1 + arm. Save, Rune of Preservation (Immunity to Killing Blow and Poison) Rune of Cleaving (+1 str.)

My trusty battle standard bearer which lets me reroll pretty much any leadership checks. He is also kitted out for defense but does pack a punch with 3 strength 5 attacks.

Runesmith shield, Rune of Stone (+1 arm. save) Master Rune of Balance (Opponent must remove one power die from their pool and add it to your dispel pool)

This dude gives my army +2 dispel dice per turn and is fairly surviveable with a 2 + armour save and 6 + parry.

28x Warriors Full Command and Great Weapons

28x Warriors Full Command and Great Weapons

These will be my anvil units, and as far as dwarves go are fairly solid. They are strength 5 (gw) toughness 4 and have a 5 + armour save. Though their surviveability is iffy, the large numbers should help in terms of combat resolution . These are also were the characters go, so they can be very killy once in combat.

16x Thunderers shields

An all around scary unit. Dwarf handgunners have a +1 to hit which basically negates the -1 to hit penalty for shooting at long range. The handgun itself is strength 4 and armour piercing so anything wounded by one will be taking their armour saves at -2. With their shields they will have a 5 + armour save which is kind of nice.

16x Quarrellers / Rangers - Great Weapons

These are the guys that will be setting up 12 "from the enemy (thanks to Scout) and harrassing the shit out of them. With their great weapons they are a fairly capable combat unit that can take out enemy bunkers, archer units or war machines . They will have a hard time against things like the Hellcannon but will at least annoy and distract it for a few turns.

CannonEngineer (reroll on the misfire chart, use his BS) Rune of Burning (Fire Attacks)

The mighty cannon. Nice to have something that provides d6 strength 10 flaming (what, a hellpit abomination .. smack!) Hits when needed. Great for sniping those monsters or characters.

Grudge Thrower - Engineer (see above) Rune of Penetrating (adds 1 strength, so str. 10 middle and str. 4 outer circle) Rune of Accuracy (can reroll the scatter die)

The good ol 'strone thrower. These hits are magical and with pre-measuring stone thowers are now quite deadly. Though strength 4 isnt that great, the strength 10 center is enough to take out anything with a really high toughness, such as war machines . Tune of accuracy makes it hit around 50% of the time .. nice.

Organ Gun

This baby can potentially spit out 12 strength 5 shots that are -3 to your armour save. Great for taking out heavy cavalry and mostrous infantry. You also have the ability to reroll the artillary dice (though you must take the second result.)

So thats it. I'm excited to start playing with it (not so excited for the mass painting) and should be ready to go by mid-October. Here is a pic of the first, almost completed unit of Thunderers.

Until next time,


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Sorry for the lack of updates over the, oh, last month or so as I've been rather busy since July.  First and foremost I have been enrolled in a TESOL course that has basically taken all of the free time I have when I'm not teacher little Korean kids the correct spelling of 'horse'.  Other than that I have been busy on the gaming front in that I've started a new Fantasy army -Dwarfs- and have been busy converting my beloved Black Templars into Blood Angels (for cries of 'power gamer!' please take a number and join the line to the left.)  On side note I've grown a beard in honor of both of these new armies...think about'll get the joke eventually.  I promise promise promise that I will post pics of some of the new models as well as tentative army lists later this week.  With that I will leave you with the best dwarf video ever made.  Fare Thee Well.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Warhammer 8th Edition..haters gonna hate..

So it's finally upon us, the much awaited 8th edition ruleset for our beloved Warhammer Fantasy Battles.  Now, if you are reading this blog I can only assume that you are quite familiar with all things wargaming so I won't bore you with the information on rule changes and how they affect the armies blah, blah, blah.  What I will do, however, is let you know how this edition has affected me, and my favorite army of death, the Vampire Counts. 

To be honest, when the jump from 7th edition to 8th happened, I was still fairly new to the whole Fantasy aspect to GW wargaming.  I've been an avid 40k player since I was 15 years old, but when it comes to Elves and Dragons, I'm a relatively new player.  So when it was announced that there would be a new edition coming in a few months, my first reaction was...meh.  Later, as I began to get closer to the release date and I was playing more 7th edition lists, my worries began to grow.  How would I survive this new edition?  I had fallen into the trap of the typical VC player and had been running small units that could be grown later and relying soley on one deathstar unit to win me the game.  Now, there were going to be percentage caps on characters and magic was being significantly nerfed?  Core choices were becoming more powerful (while ours have always been god-awful) and fear would no longer make enemies break?  This later fact caused great trepedation on my part due to the fact that my one trick pony-that of winning combat by one and causing the enemy to flee-would no longer work.  These were going to be grave times indeed.

Then, my opinion began to change.  While this new edition would certainly make my army less powerful, it would also force me-and my VC thralls-to think of different ways to run our armies.  We would have to use our sub-par core units in ways that would surprise and terrify our opponents..exactly the way a true undead army would operate on the field.  Below I am going to talk about certain Undead units that I have used in the few games I've played and how they have performed under the new rule set.  After that I'll include some pics of the recent 8th edition action at my FLGS.  Enjoy!

Vampire Lord - This guy is still awesome.  I have been running him as a magic heavy lord due to the fact that while gearing your combat lord to be an uber killing-machine sounds fun, losing him to combat resolution and having you army crumble is not.  Face it, our Lords are cool, but any Chaos Hero...even a Champion...will usually school his ass and lose you the game. I have been putting my Lord behind the lines in a skeleton bunker and letting the other units use his WS with the Hat of Ridiculousness. He also takes Forbidden Lore, which lets him choose any Lore of Magic (accept the Lore of Life..obviously) making him great for buffing your units and combat characters.  He also takes the magic item that lets him reroll his Miscast (which, when you're rolling 6 dice for killer spells can really come in handy).  Just make sure that you are still taking protection for this guy, in the form of armour and ward saves, due to the number of snipe spells out there.

Konrad Von Carstein- This guy is awesome.  For a hero-level combat character, there really is no equal.  First of all, his stats are that of a vampire, which makes him deadly enough.  His 3 attacks are augmented by his double swords, which gives him another one.  Oh, btw, one of his swords is a magical one that causes an addition wound for each one in inflicts.  Did I mention he also has cool Vampire Powers. Oh, I didn't?  Well why didn't you say that, asshole?  Anyways, he has Infinite Hatred, which lets him re-roll ALL of his hits in CC...always.  He also has Red Fury, which lets him have an additional attack for each unsaved wound.  Now, remember that each of his wounds causes an additional wound?  Well, if he causes 2 wounds on a character, its actually 4 wounds..and now he can have 4 more attacks..that can be re-rolled if missed....yeah.  If you have your Lord around he can buff Konrad with +3 attacks and +3 strength if using the Lore of Beasts...dirty.  Konrad's only drawback is that he must roll a d6 at the start of your turn, and on a 1-3 he is stupid for that turn.  Don't worry however, as he can use the Lord's 10 LD to take the test, and if there is a BSB nearby he can re-roll that.  Also, Konrad will usually be in combat, making stupidity not an option.  Oh, btw, if he rolls a 4-6 he is frenzied (which cannot be lost) giving him 5 base attacks.  Yuck.

Wight King - As the percentage of Hero's is now 25% of your total points, these guys just became better.  Not only are they cheaper than your Vampire Thrall, they can also carry your BSB (which is now equally awesome).  They also make great body guard characters, as their toughness 5 and 3 wounds can go a long way to keeping your more valuable characters safe.  They can also be given useful items, such as the Sword of Kings, which makes the killing blow happen on a 5-6.  Also, with the new frenzy rules (it can now be restrained by a LD check) their LD of 9 will go a long way in making sure those Blood Knights doing get lured into a trap.  Basically, never leave home without this guy.

Necromancer - This litte turd actually has some great uses now.  Not only are they cheap Dispel Scroll caddies, they also purchase their spells, which means you can have multiples of these assholes running around spamming Invocation and Van Hels.  Also, casting big spells with these guys ensures that, even though they will miscast, the big spell will go off and its better losing a 55 point model than your General Vampire Lord.  This is another must have model..maybe models...that you should have in your army,

Grave Guard - These guys are still awesome and the fact that you will have 2 ranks attacking makes them even more bad ass.  Make sure you run them with great weapons and try to buff their to hit ratio also, either with a banner or a Lord wearing the Crown of Ridiculousness.  As they only wear heavy armour and will get no parry save, its important that you try and protect them as much as possible, which means giving them the Drakenhoff Banner (4+ regeneration save)..but be wary of fire attacks!

Ghouls - Still the go-to core choice for flanking.  As they have 2 poison attacks each they can be quite deady to high toughness models, but be aware that they are only toughness 4 and have no armour save, meaning that they will die horribly to warmachines or any high strength / high volume attacks.

Skeletons - If used in large blocks (around 30-35) with 5 to 6 ranks they can be effective tarpits.  Give them a cheap War Banner for another Combat Res and they are even better.  I find that giving them a hand weapong and shield is better than the extra 5 attacks offered by the spears.  A 6+ ward is better than nothing.  Again, if you have a lord around, they can be buffed to be slightly better in combat, but lets just say that they will still struggle killing even a lowly goblin.

Vargulf - Since I've used him I havent been disappointed.  He is quick and can really dominate a flank or take out enemy war machines.  He has a high number of high strength attacks, and also has Hatred.  He only has a 4+ regeneration save, though his high toughness makes him difficult to harm.  He also now has Thunderstomp, which give him an additional d6 strength 5 attack.  If this guy is buffed using the Lore of Beasts, you get a +1 to cast any spells on him...which is nice.

Fell Bats - I just started using them and am happy with what they do.  They are mosterous creatures that fly and have 2 wounds each.  Basically just throw them on a flank and take out war machines as soon as possible.  Remember to start them next to a Vampire so they can get their full 20" march move on the first turn.  Unfortunately they are no longer classified as Infantry so you can Invocate them on mulitple wounds..ony one per Vampire...but they will usually be out of range anyways.

Well thats it for the units that I have used so far in the 8th Edition.  As I experiment with more of the army I will give you my take on those as well.  Anyways, here are some pics of people enjoying the 8th edition release over the last few weeks at Ork Town in Seoul, Korea..

A rousing game of Chaos Warriors v.s Wood Elves (Hippy Elves)

Finally, the Hellcannon gets its just deserts...

Vampire Counts (yeah!) v.s Gay Elves

Oh, I didn't hear you come in!

My VC Army..its big where it counts..

My mixed unit of Ghouls and Dogs..hey I have to do something with them now!

We'sa eat your face now?

My Vargulf..ready to defecate in your yard..

Alex's Lizardmen..pretty tough army

The bane of my existence..the fat toad wizard thing..

Ancient enemies square off...

High Elf Bolt Throwers take aim at some beardy Chaos Warriors

Sunday, June 20, 2010

40K Coming Soon!

Hey guys just a quick update that I will be posting some pictures of my 40k army, the Black Templars, on the blog soon.  I didn't want to get pigeon-holed as a Fantasy only blog.  I also like turtles.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Grave Guard or The Great, (Skull) White, Hope

Today I want to quickly talk about a Vampire Counts unit that is near and dear to my heart; the mighty Grave Guard!  The remains of ancient warriors and kings, the Grave Guard serve their Vampire masters long after they have perished from the mortal realm.  Unlike their weaker, more slow-witted skeleton warrior brothers, the Grave Guard boast fairly good stats, backed up by a Wight Blade and heavy armour.  No Vampire Counts player would be caught dead without these stalwart spectres and what follows are the main points that I think make them so valuable.

Great Stat Line:  The Grave Guard boast a pretty good statline (we are undead afterall!).  With strength and toughness 4, they are better able to deal with more elite infantry and cavalry than any other Undead infantry unit.  Their strengh 4 guarantees that the enemy will have a -1 to their armour saves.

Command:  While at first glance this seems obvious, it is worth it to note the various Undead units that are not able to take Standard Bearers.  Grave Guard can benefit from mostly all of the Magic Banners available, most notably the Banner of the Barrows (+1 to hit) and the Drakenhoff Banner (Regeneration).

Heavy Armour:  This is an awesome thing for an Undead infantry unit to have, effectively giving them a 4+ save against shooting and a 3+ save in Close Combat.  Yes please!

Wight Blades:  Every Grave Guard skeleton carries the magical Wight Blade, which is a magic weapon that causes Killing Blow.  ALL YOUR OGRES ARE BELONG TO US!

Great Weapons:  So everything listed above doesn't get your underpants a little tighter?  Well, how about strength 6 great weapons that also have Killing Blow?  Oh, why yes, you may go use the bathroom...just dont use all of my hand lotion.

Point Cost:  How much would you pay for a unit with this much awesomenss...20 points a model?  15?  How about 12.  13 with Great Weapons.  Bam.

The best use of Grave Guard is as a hammer unit.  Basically, you throw a combat Vampire Lord, as well as a Wight King with a Magical Army Standard towards anything you want to die.  I have had these boys chew threw giant blocks of Saurus Temple Guard in two turns.  BBQ frog anyone?  They are also good at taking out incredably tough characters, such as Blood Thirsters or Hellpit Abominations.  Whatever you choose to do with these fiendish friends I guarantee you wont be disappointed.

Below are some shots of the Grve Guard that I use in my army.  As you can see I went with the same red and gold them that I have been using throughout the army.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cry ZOMBIE! And let loose the dogs of war!

Hello my friends, it is time once again to show some of my painting projects that have (finally) been completed.  This week I have for you a troupe of undead dogs from my Vampire Counts Warhammer Fantasy army.  As you can see I heavily relied on a flat color base, rounded out by some generous washing here and there.  Actually, on these dogs I did use some drybrushing techniques with the fur (because I'm a baller like that).  I will tell you one thing about painting this kit, it requires a lot of attention to detail as there are tons of little bits and pieces that I missed several times and had to go back over.  Anyways enjoy the pics (the good ones are Christian's, the blurry stupidly posed ones are mine).

Friday, May 7, 2010

Forget about it nerd, this is Ork Town

Greetings gentle reader, it is I Jason again with my bi-monthly blog update.  Let me begin by posing a question, a querry if you will.  What do you do if you make the unwise decision to leave your home, friends, and family to move to South Korea to teach English to 12 year olds that hate everything about the language?  What do you do if you are enlisted in the 3rd Army Division and are suddenly based half a world away in a foreign country with foreign food and a foreign language?  Worst, what do you do if this happens to you and you are a gamer?  Give up your hobby for a year...two..maybe three? 

Well, have no fear drunken reader, there is salvation at the end of the tunnel.  Salvation that goes by the name of Ork Town.  Ork Town is THE ONLY place to buy miniatures in South Korea.  Not only can you buy miniatures from all of the majore gaming companies (i.e Games Workshop, Privateer Press, Battlefront) as well as numerous miniatures for smaller games(i.e Black Powder, Imjin War).

Ork Town boasts an impressive amount of gaming space incuding 4 gaming tables and two painting work stations.  The normal table loadout is 2 tables used almost exclusively for Warhammer 40k, 1 table used for Warhammer Fantasy, and 1 table used for Flames of War or Warmachine.  Pictures of the interior can be seen below, followed by directions to the store.

Ork Town is run by a fantastic Korean/gaming fanatic named Jude who speaks perfect English and can help you with any questions you may have.  If you want to be brave and try and find Ork Town on your own, these direction may or may not hold the key to your salvation.

Ork Town is located in the Hongdae neighborhood of Seoul and can be reached by taking the Seoul Metro Subway Green Line (2) to Hongik University.  Once you find the correct subway stop, head to exit number 5 and start walking straight down the main street.  You will pass a VIPS restaurant and also a Paris Baquet.  Keep walking past the 7-11 until you reach a brown shop that sells Korean Hanbocks (tradional Korean clothing).  Once you reach that head left (the road is a utility road about the size of an ally) and you will soon pass a Mini Stop.  Keep walking straight until you see Ork Town on the right side of the road, above a Japanese-ish restaurant.  At this time it is directly across the street from a horrendous looking building that is still in its construction phases.  Thats it, included below are the Ork Town telephone number as well as a link to the Seoul Metro website.  Hope to see you at Ork Town soon!  Happy Hunting!

Ork Town Telephone (02)6402-5946

Monday, April 12, 2010

How to Lose with Vampire Counts: A Process

Hello again to my reader (s), it’s been a while since my last post and for that I apologize. Today I want to talk to you about something that happened a few weeks ago that honestly got me to thinking. I eagerly joined the local Ork Town Warhammer Fantasy League, which is a 2K 6 week event which has a total of around 9-10 players. I would be using my Vampire Counts that I have been feverishly painting for the last 2 months, even though I had not ever used them in any kind of competitive environment. There would be a certain comp restriction in that your special and rare choices could not exceed the point total of your core units, though this seriously hamstringed my choices seeing as how VC lists depend on their special and rare choices to win games and have very over-priced and weak core units (more on this later), other than that there is a 10 wizard level cap (i.e you can’t have 4 level 3 wizards, as this would put you at 12…k?) of course bound spells count as 1 level and VC’s got dinged with a +1 before any list building began (yeeaahhhhh…..). So that’s enough rambling, what follows is what I brought in my first list and why it all failed so miserably..

Large blocks of skeletons: The reason I wanted to take these was because a) I happen to have a lot of these skeleton models b) a large block meant more of a point cost, which meant I could take more special and rare choices and c) they look cool.

The reason they failed me: Taking the initial large blocks prevented me from using more points to buy them magical banners and other important core choices such as Corpse Carts, etc. There is really no reason to start the game with more than 15 skeletons in a unit, as it is unlikely that anyone can destroy the unit in one shooting turn and you can usually raise more skeletons anyways with a nearby vampire (even above their starting number) if you need to.

One unit of fast cavalry: Ok, everyone knows that the VC options for fast march blockers are extremely limited, i.e we have the Dire Wolves and Bat Swarms. Now, in my infinite wisdom I thought that I would only need one unit of 7 Dire Wolves to use to outflank the enemy and to be used as march blockers or prevent the dreaded flank charges that will deny my combat troops their rank bonuses.

The reason they failed me: Dire Wolves are going to die their first round of combat weather you have 5, 7, or 10 in a unit. The only way to get around this is to charge and declare a challenge with your doom wolf (though this only works against single character units). I found it is better to take multiple units of 5 in order to cover more of the board and provide an effective screen for your more valuable combat troops as they try to maneuver into position.

Super Combat Vampire Lord: While it seemed a cool idea at the time to make a character that could chop the head off most units, it was ultimately a bad idea to put the only model keeping you army from crumbling to dust in the front lines.

The reason he failed me: This guy came in at a staggering amount of points, and to be honest, no matter how much of a combat badass you make your Vampire Lord, he is still going to be owned by a lot of units out there. Once that happens say goodbye to your army and to the game. It is much better to make a Lord magic oriented and stick him in the back, away from the danger. You have Hero Vampires that can be used in the combat roles.

Wights and Banshees: What’s not to love about these guys? They are Ethereal (they can’t be hit by anything that isn’t magical) have great weapons (strength 5) have 3 attacks and 2 wounds each (except for the Banshee who has an awesome shooting scream).

The reason they failed me: While VC players got away with the Wight and Banshee shenanigans a few years ago, the rest of the Warhammer world has gotten wise, and now most competitive armies have so many magic weapons and magic attacks (Skaven, Lizardmen) that this unit usually just gets pulverized before they are able to do anything worthwhile. Add in the fact that most competitive tournaments or leagues will have a fair share of Daemons (which count every attack as magical) and your 50 point per model (75 for the Banshee) unit starts to look less and less appealing.

One Hammer Unit: It’s tempting to throw all of you points into one single hammer unit that can make or break the game in one round of combat. For some people it’s a great idea, for me, it proved disastrous.

The reason it failed me: I decided to go with a large block of Grave Guard with a magical banner and the super combat Lord character included for good measure. Now, this unit was able to chop through just about anything, and for the most part, they did. However, they are slow as hell and can be avoided by many things that they, as the only real killers in the army, are tasked to eliminate. Trying to chase a Blood Thirster with movement 4 units is a great way for an army to get picked off piecemeal.

And there you have it. There were plenty of other things that led to my humiliation such as not having adequate magic support for a VC army and misusing some of my units (as I am still relatively new to the game). In the future I will be utilizing some of the other VC units such as Ghouls and Black Knights and will let you all know how those future games go.

Stay Tuned for another update later this week!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Meet a Korean..Gamer that is..Part 1 Christian's Brettonians

Hello to my reader (s) Jay Dub here in my first attempt to showcase some of the other armies floating around here in Korea.  First up is my friend Christian's Bretonnians.  They are excellently painted using a mixture of flat color and washes and really have a rugged, battle weary feel.  Christian likes to refer to his painting method as "speedy", though it doesn't seem to take away from the overal quality of the pieces. Look at the peasents' drab garments and you can really get a feel for the speed and skill in which he paints his armies. If anyone has any questions about how he got the colors to look the way they do just send me an email and I will pass the questions on to Christian.  Well, without further adeu I give you Christian's Frog Faced Surrender Monkeys!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Vampire Counts Part. 1

Hello all,

This post is coming in a tad later than I had planned thanks to the super Korean tonsilitus bug.  After 5 days of hallucinating about Elves and Daemons, I feel that I am able to get on this ol' blog and give you a post.  The pictures that follow are the first fully painted models from my Vampire Counts army.  As the rest of the army is going to be based off of this look I am quite pleased with the way they turned out.  Please let me know if you have any suggestions, as I am quite a novice in the painting category.

*(edit) I also need help with photographing miniatures...


Friday, February 19, 2010

It's my Party

A cold sweat drips down the side of my neck. My pulse quickens. I begin to feel my heart pound my chest
with the vigor of a jack hammer. This is impossible, surely a mistake. A squad of my best men lies dead at my feet, cut down before they even had a chance to strike. I quickly send in the reinforcements, eyes envious at the sure revenge filled carnage in which they were to deliver. In the blink of an eye they were to meet the same fate as their fallen brothers. I explode…..”What do you mean his psychic attack occurs at the beginning of my shooting phase!” “How much did he cost?!” “90 points!” @#$*#@5&# Robin Cruddace $@$#@!...

I am of course speaking of my first game against the newest heart attack inducer from Games Workshop, the Doom of Malan’tai. In the short span of a 2 hour game I became everything I hated, the whiney wargamer. The person who watches the various forums such as BOLS and Warseer for any opportunity to jump on some hapless noob foolish enough to post a positive reaction towards an OP model or who posts a list that some might see as cheesy. I sometimes feel that whining is what sets us wargamers apart from the other hobbies that people choose to spend their time pursuing. Its become something of an art. Here are some of the more common rants and or hissy fits that I find on my daily blog perusal before going to teach little Korean babies how to speak English.

1) What?! They are coming out with a new Marine Codex? WTF?? What about my beloved Necrons/Dark Elder/WH/DH (by the way I play WH) you know, the armies that GW lost money on selling?? They are so CORPORATE!! WAAGHH!!

2) Those bastards made such a broken unit! I can’t kill it no matter what I do!! I hate GW, and I will never, EVER, buy another one of their products! Privateer Press here I come!

3) It’s such a cop out to play new armies, they practically play themselves! Only a noob would stoop to such a level. Psshh

I think it has actually gotten to the point where this hobby would inwardly implode if the outlets for their pent up nerd rage were to suddenly vanish. It is now a bona-fide part of the hobby and goes hand in hand with the more aesthetically pleasing table top experience. Unfortunately what a lot of people don’t realize is that they are almost always directly responsible for their woes and tribulations. People complain that their own 11 year codex is outdated, you know is! Play another army or be content with being on the bottom of the lists year in and year out. People are angry about a new unit that is unstoppable..guess’s not! Get off the damn BOLS forum and start trying to write a list that doesn’t suck.. I’m sorry your thunder cannons aren’t working out for you. Angry about the noobs playing new armies because they are easy..well you’re right! There is a reason new codices are always on the top of the lists.

Look, I am not immune to the trap that is complaining. I complain every day that it takes so long to paint my Vampire Counts army. Guess what, I use 7 colors on the skeletons and at least three different flocks for the bases. Who is making me do all that? If you say the Doom of Malan’tai, I’ll scream. What I am trying to say is, take the time to breathe. Look back at what got you into the hobby in the first place; read sites such as Yes the Truth Hurts for information on how to make a list that doesn’t blow. There is no reason for the mass of complaining I see on a daily basis. Man up, punch in, and have fun.