So now that we know a new and hopefully playable 40K edition will be here shortly, what kinds of things can GW do to bring some order back to game and stop forging a narrative all over our faces and chests?
- Do away with battle brothers. This will most likely get a lot of flack from people who play Tau or Eldar, or rely on Inquisitors with silly tricks to bypass core rules. The ally system was created by GW to sell more models. They didn't play test it or move on from the preliminary idea that they would sell more models. Get over it and you will live a much happier life.
- Let units assault out of transports. If GW wants to sell models stop making (non-Necron) transports so useless. Why can't models assault out of a transport if the vehicle didn't move that turn? TELL ME WHY YOU COCKS.
- Change the cover rules for Monstrous Creatures. We've all been there. You score 3 or more wounds on a Wraithknight with Lascannons. You triumphantly take a lap around the table, praising your chosen god for blessing you with such a bountiful gift. Then Reece Robbins says 'not so fast!' He has a toe in a crater, so he gets an obscured save. He then rolls two 5's and a 6. You quit playing 40k forever.
- Remove random charge distance. I don't care what you say, it's not forging a narrative when your dedicated assault unit or Daemon Prince fails a 4" charge. That's stupid and it sucks ass when it happens. Perhaps letting units either choose to make a regular charge or roll 2D6 on the chance they will be able to charge at a longer range? HUH?
- Bring back owning player wound allocation. Yes, this was abused in the 5th edition by Nobs and Nob Gobblers alike. The nearest model takes the first wound has lead to much more abuse such as characters tanking wounds and makes a difficult assault edition even worse. It also dramatically slows down the game with players taking more time making sure certain models are behind others and rolling dice one at a time while tanking wounds.
- Not let their marketing department write the rulebook. Look, we all know that GW is a model company that just happens to have rules for the models they produce. It's how they themselves feel about their company, and it's been well documented. Its a fact since they became a publicly traded company GW has one person to answer to. It's not the fans and it's not the customers- it's the shareholders. What Warhammer 40k needs right not is not a new way to have the players buy slow moving product (i.e. Super Heavies in standard games) or to have them need to purchase large amounts of new product they already own (i.e Super Heavies in standard games).
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